日本人の国際交流活動への参加の契機と活動持続の要因 ― 国際交流活動の新しい枠組み構築を目指して ―



本研究は,国際交流活動の新しい枠組み構築を目指し,①国際交流活動を始めるきっかけ,②国際交流活動を継続させる要因,③地域の国際交流イベントとの関係を明らかにすることを目的とし,国際交流活動を長年続けている地域住民2名に対して半構造化されたインタビューを行った。得られたデータは質的分析法SCAT(Steps for Coding and Theorization)の手法を用いて分析した。その結果,①異文化を持つ人との出会いが国際交流活動参加のきっかけとなり得,また,のちの行動に繋がる信念ともなり得ること,②国際交流活動の中で感じる喜びや満足感が国際交流活動継続の力となることが明らかになった。国際交流においては,子供,または家族や近しい人とともに参加できるように参加形態を工夫することが必要であるとの示唆も得た。

In this study, we conducted semi-structured interviews with two Japanese citizens who have been conducting international exchange activities for many years, intending to establish a new framework for international exchange activities. This study also aimed to clarify the following points: (1) opportunities to participate in international exchange activities, (2) factors that cause international exchange activities to continue, and (3) relationship between international exchange activities and regional international exchange events. The obtained data were analyzed using the qualitative analysis method, SCAT (Steps for Coding and Theorization). Results showed that (1) encounters with people with different cultural backgrounds can be an opportunity to participate in international exchange activities, forming beliefs that lead to future action. (2) The joy and satisfaction felt during international exchange activities can be a force for continuing international exchange activities. Notably, activities involving family members could lead to continuing international exchange activities, and it was found that this point should be considered in international exchange events.


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