Experimental and Modelling Study of the Effect of Water on the Purification Performance of Pd-Based Three-way Catalysts

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  • 水がPd系三元触媒の浄化性能に与える影響把握とそのモデル化


<p>To develop a high-performance three-way catalyst, it is necessary to construct an accurate catalytic reaction model. Previously, we have developed the three-way catalyst model under dry simulated exhaust gas conditions. Water, which is contained in the real exhaust gas, however, complicate the phenomenon encountered in the three-way catalyst. Thus, in this study, the effect of water on the catalytic reaction on a palladium-based three-way catalyst was investigated. Moreover, a catalytic reaction model was developed based on the experimental results. As a results, it is found that the constructed model well predicted the light-off behavior of the palladium-based three-way catalyst.</p>



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