The trends about body image and eating behavior among female college students



Many Japanese people consider that “beauty equals a slim body”.Dissatisfaction with their body shape triggers the beginning of unnecessary and unscientific diet behaviors,and continuation of biased diet behaviors can lead to eating disorders.Such abnormal eating behaviors are more likely to occur at ages between late teens and early twenties (female college students).The aim of the present study is to investigate the association between their types of body shape and the abnormal eating behaviors.  I performed a questionnaire,in order to assess Body Mass Index (BMI),one’s body shape employing 9 silhouettes and Eating Attitude Test-26 (EAT26).The questionnaire was distributed to 227 students at K University.196 students answered all questions of the questionnaire,and thus,they were included in the analysis set.  4% were judged by EAT26 as having a strong tendency for abnormal eating behaviors.When it was analyzed in terms of the BMI-based type of body shape,a strong tendency for abnormal eating behaviors was seen in 0% of thin individuals,4.4% of ordinary individuals,and 16.6% of obese individuals.Individuals with large body weight did not desire “excessively thin” body but “desired to reduce body weight from the current level”,while individual with small body weight “desired to become slightly thinner” even though they were aware of their current body shape as belonging to the category “thin.” In the analysis of EAT26,the results supported the possibility that the present subjects had a resistance to becoming obese,which in turn led to biased selection of foods,i.e.,food intake restriction for so-called dieting.  The results of the present study revealed that the potential of developing eating disorders is not directly related to the actual obesity level.More specifically,the subjects having any type of body shape had the “desire to become thin,” and thus,they had the possibility of developing eating disorders.


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