CO measurement of turbulent premixed flame with air dilution under elevated pressure by two-photon absorption laser-induced fluorescence (TALIF)

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  • 2光子吸収レーザ誘起蛍光法を用いた昇圧環境下で空気希釈を受ける乱流予混合火炎のCO計測


<p>A formation process of CO with effects of air dilution on turbulent flame under elevated pressure has been experimentally investigated. Flow velocity ratio of premixed gas and dilution air (Ud/U) was controlled. CO distribution in the burned gas, temperature of the combustion field and flow velocity distribution were measured by CO-TALIF method, gas analyzer, R-type thermocouple and hot wire probe respectively. Results indicated that the concentration of CO increases as Ud/U increased at any measurement point. The CO concentration has the maximum value in a certain burner height direction under each condition.</p>


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