(8) Proposal for New Basic Research Related to Food Irradiation

DOI Web Site 2 References Open Access
  • Asada Ryoko
    Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Metropolitan University Research Center of Microorganism Control, Organization of Research Promotion, Osaka Metropolitan University Osaka International Research Center for Infectious Diseases, Osaka Metropolitan University

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Other Title
  • (8)食品照射に関連した新規基礎研究の提案 —食品ロスの削減に向けた損傷菌の制御—


<p>The control of bacterial spores resistant to sterilization is important for the microbiological safety and integrity of foods. Spores are considered sub-lethally injured during the sterilization process but remain alive and can germinate and grow under non-stress conditions during storage and distribution. In this study, Our research team aimed to establish a method to control such injured bacterial spores, the survival of injured Bacillus subtilis spores after heat or gamma-ray irradiation treatment was investigated. we compared the damage mechanisms of spores subjected to heat treatment and γ-ray irradiation and the developmental dynamics of the injured spores. This study found that γ-ray irradiation suppressed the generation of injured spores better than heat treatment.</p>



    RADIOISOTOPES 71 (3), 219-224, 2022-08-31

    Japan Radioisotope Association


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