Snow algae at the summit of Mt. Ibuki, Shiga-Prefecture, Japan

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  • 伊吹山頂上の残雪表面の雪氷藻類
  • イブキヤマ チョウジョウ ノ ザンセツ ヒョウメン ノ セッピョウ ソウルイ

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Snow algae at the summit of Mt. Ibuki, Shiga Prefecture, Japan, were investigated in the spring of 2005, 2007, 2008, and 2010. Although red or green snow surfaces were not visible, a microscopic analysis revealed that the snow on the surface mainly contained two morphological types of algal cells (Chlorophyta). Both these algal cell types are most likely to be Chloromonas nivalis. The algal volume biomass and chlorophyll a concentration were significantly lower than those reported in the case of red-colored snow in Japan or North America. Observations revealed that the algae appeared on the snow surface in late April, only 1-2 weeks before the disappearance of the snow patch at the summit, even though snow thawing, which is one of the essential processes required for algal growth, started in the middle of March. The snow algae of Mt. Ibuki possibly remain dormant on the soil during summer, autumn, and winter, and appear on the snow surface in late April for approximately a week.



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