理科学習における子どもの自己評価(III) -小学校第3学年の授業を通して-


  • リカ ガクシュウ ニ オケル コドモ ノ ジコ ヒョウカ 3 ショウガッコウ
  • On the Pupils' Self-Evaluation in Science Lessons of Elementary School (III) - On the Basis of the Inquiries as to Science Lessons in the Third Grade of Elementary School -




理科の問題解決活動の過程を, 問題発見, 学習計画の立案, 問題解決, 発展という4つの場に分け, それぞれの場に対する子どもの「関心・意欲・態度」に差異がみられるかを小学3年生の自己評価をもとに検討した。その結果, 肯定的な反応は, 具体的な体験的活動が含まれる場で高いことが分かった。また, 自己評価そのものに対して, 5・6年生に比べて消極的なイメージをもつ子どもが多いこと, 友達の学習態度への肯定的な見方と, 自己の学習への肯定的な見方とは, 関連していることが分かった。

The pupils' self-evaluation and mutual-evaluation concerning science lessons through actual practices in classes of the third grade of elementary school have been investigated in order to promote the pupils' voluntary learning-activity as well as to elaborate the effective teaching-guide skills. The process of problem solving in science lessons was categorized into four practical fields, e.g., “POSING A PROBLEM"-, “MAKING PLAN"-, “PROBLEM-SOLVING"-and “APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE"-fields. The differences in “interest, enthusiasm and learning attitude "for the categorized four practical fields in science classes were examined on the basis of the data from pupils' self-evaluation corresponding to simple three-levels questionairs in terms of subjected three-unit items for one year term. The affirmative responces revealing high score were observed in the practical field consisting of pupils' actual experiences. Moreover, it was found that in comparison with the previous report of part (II) the number of pupils to support a usefulness of the self-evaluation decreased markedly according as pupils become in higher grade and that there existed a purposive correlation between the affirmative repsponses as to self-evaluation and mutual-evaluation among friends classes.


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