移民第二世代の若者たちのアイデンティティ -イタリアにおける移民の社会統合政策の現状と課題-


  • Identity of Second-Generation Immigrant Youth: Current Status of and Challenges Facing the Social Integration Policies for Immigrants in Italy


本稿では,2015 年にイタリア国立統計研究所が中学・高校に通う外国人生徒とイタリア人生徒たちに実施したアンケート調査「移民第二世代のアイデンティティと統合過程」を取り上げ,現在,イタリアの政策において重要課題となっている移民第二世代の社会統合の現状と問題について考察を行った.1990 年代よりイタリアでは移民が急増し,2020 年にはEU 諸国内で第⚔位の流入移民を抱えるホスト国となった.近年では18 歳未満人口の約11%が外国人,その約75%がイタリア生まれの移民第二世代という状況を迎え,彼らの受入れ問題が深刻化している.この調査ではイタリアで暮らす外国人生徒に“自分をイタリア人と感じるか”“イタリアで暮らしたいか”“将来の夢”,“いじめの経験”など,学校及び日常生活に関する様々な質問を試み,その結果,東欧出身生徒はホスト社会への帰属意識,地域住民との交流が高いのに対し,中国およびフィリピン出身生徒は帰属意識,社会交流が低く,言葉の障壁といじめ経験の高さが確認された.結論として,多民族が幸せに暮らせるホスト社会を目指すにはエスニック・コミュニティの特性分析は不可避であり,移民年齢,性別,家族・友人関係などに配慮した学習・生活支援や各地方自治体の実情と移民受入状況を摺り合わせた政策検討が必要であり,さらなる基盤研究調査の継続が必要であるとした.

In this paper, we examine the report on “Identity and Integration Process of theSecond Immigrant Generation”, which is a questionnaire survey conducted by the ISTAT onforeign and Italian students attending junior and senior high schools in 2015. The paperdiscusses the current status of and problems surrounding the social integration ofsecond-generation of immigrants, which has become an important issue in domestic policy.The number of immigrants has been increasing rapidly in Italy since the 1990s. In recentyears, about 11% of the population under the age of 18 are non-native, with about 75% of thembeing second-generation immigrants born in Italy. In this questionnaire, foreign studentswere asked to answer questions such as “Do you feel that you are Italian?” and “What areyour dreams for the future?” The results show that students from Eastern Europe have ahigh sense of belonging to the host society and interact with the locals, while students fromChina and the Philippines have a low sense of belonging. The latter were also more likely toexperience language barriers and bullying. In order to create a host society in which people ofother ethnicities can live happily, it is necessary to analyze the characteristics of ethniccommunities as well as to provide learning and living support that consider immigrants byage, sex, and family and friendship relationships. In addition, it is necessary to study thepolicies of each local government in terms of the actual situation regarding the reception ofimmigrants.


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