Proposal of Questionnaire Design for Inclusive Welfare Approach of “Individuals” Perspective

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  • KUBO Honoka
    Fukuoka Prefectural Hakata Seisho High School
  • OGATA Yoshito
    Department of Design Futures, Faculty of Design, Kyushu University

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  • 個人に着目した包摂型福祉のためのアンケート設計の提案

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Currently, the term social inclusion is widespread, but the concept is not always pervasive. Therefore, we developed a questionnaire on welfare as a measure to investigate individuals’ ideas and fixed perspectives on welfare, disability, and social inclusion. The purpose of this study is to clarify the scale for evaluating and analyzing individual characteristics, and to create a revised questionnaire and extract the elements for brushing up the question text. We also hypothesized that preference for support methods was related to personality traits and designed a question about peer support. It was also administered. In addition, the Short Big Five was used to focus on individuals. Results showed that there was a relationship between personality traits and support preferences and ideas. We also found that reasonable accommodation may be understood differently from the original concept. Furthermore, we found an approach to “Reasonable accommodation” as a Japanese word.


  • 芸術工学研究

    芸術工学研究 37 31-40, 2022-11-01

    Faculty of Design, Kyushu University

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