Relative Formation Rate Constants and Electronic-State Distributions of Ne* Produced from the Ne^+/SF_<6^-> and Ne^+/C_6F_<6-> Ion-Ion Neutralization Reactions in the He Flowing Afterglow

  • 辻 正治
    Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering, and Research and Education Center of Green Technology, Kyushu University Department of Applied Science for Electronics and Materials, Kyushu University
  • 久野 真弘
    Department of Applied Science for Electronics and Materials, Kyushu University : Graduate Student
  • 宇都 慶子
    Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering, and Research and Education Center of Green Technology, Kyushu University
  • 林 潤一郎
    Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering, and Research and Education Center of Green Technology, Kyuhu University
  • 辻 剛志
    Department of Materials Science, Shimane University



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