Expression of "Manyoshu" used by Tameie in "Shinsen rokujo" : position of "Kokin rokujo" and "Godai kanyo"

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  • 『新撰六帖』における為家の万葉歌句摂取 : 『古今六帖』『五代簡要』の位置
  • シンセン ロクジョウ ニオケル タメイエ ノ マンヨウ カク セッシュ : コキン ロクジョウ ゴダイ カンヨウ ノ イチ
  • 『 シンセン ロクジョウ 』 ニ オケル イカ ノ マンヨウカク セッシュ : 『 ココン ロクジョウ 』 『 ゴダイカンヨウ 』 ノ イチ
  • 新撰六帖における為家の万葉歌句摂取 : 古今六帖五代簡要の位置

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How does Fujiwara no Tameie incorporate the Manyo waka poems in "Shinsen Rokujo"? I considered including the "Godai Kanyo" that he learned when he was young, the "Kokin Rokujo" that he was supposed to refer to directly, and the surrounding poems. As a result, the expression of "Manyoshu" in Tameie's "Shinsen Rokujo" is built on the learning in "Godai Kanyo". Furthermore, it expanded beyond the scope of the expression of "Manyoshu" in "Kokin Rokujo".This clearly means that "Kokin Rokujo" will shift from a "reference book for waka poetry" to a material for compiling a new collection of waka poems, and to a subject of examination that clarifies the source of individual waka poems.It is difficult to find any evidence that Tameie learned and composed the waka poem directly from "Manyoshu" itself. In the future, it will be necessary to compare it with other poets of "Shinsen Rokujo".


  • 社会科学

    社会科学 52 (3), 1-29, 2022-11-30

    Institute for Study of Humanities & Social Sciences, Doshisha University

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