

  • Anorexigenic effects of central administered xenin was possibly induced via central nesfatin-1 cells in rats


<p>Xenin, which was identified in human gastric mucosa, is a 25-amino acid peptide. Xenin is widely expressed in peripheral and central tissues. Xenin has various physiological functions, such as stimulating intestinal motility. Central and peripherally administered xenin decreased food intake in rodents. Nesfatin-1/NUCB2 (nesfatin-1), which is an anorexic neuropeptide consisting of 82 amino acids, is widely expressed in peripheral and central tissues. This study examined the effect of intraventricular (icv) administration of xenin on central nesfatin-1 cells in rats. Fos immunohistochemistry was used to investigate the effect of icv administration of xenin on nesfain-1-like immunoreactive (LI) cells in rat brain. Fos-LI cells were observed in the supraoptic nucleus, paraventricular nucleus, arcuate nucleus, and nucleus of the solitary tract after icv administration of xenin. Double immunohistochemistry for Fos and nesfatin-1 showed that nesfatin-1-LI cells expressing Fos were significantly increased compared with a control group in these nuclei after icv administration of xenin. Anorexigenic effects of xenin were attenuated by nesfain-1 antisense pretreatment. These results suggested that the anorexigenic effect of xenin is partially mediated by nesfatin-1 cells in rats.</p>


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