

  • How preschool and school-age children express and cope with distress following urologic surgery and parental involvement in addressing this distress
  • ヒニョウキ ノ シュジュツ オ ウケタ ヨウジ ・ ガクドウ ノ クツウ ノ ヒョウシュツ ト タイショ オヨビ オヤ ノ カカワリ





[SUMMARY] This study aimed to clarify how preschool- and school-aged children who had undergone urological surgery express and cope with distress and how their parents engaged with them. We performed participant observation of four preschool age children, two school age children, and their six parents from postoperative day one until discharge. We then analyzed the data collected using qualitative inductive analysis. The children’s distress levels varied and included physical distress, such as pain in the urethra or other surgical site, irritation from the catheter, pain with urination, and psychological distress concerning wearing a diaper or using a bedpan. As the nature of their distress changed frequently, the children had difficulty understanding the distress and thus struggled to use effective coping methods. When their distress intensified, the children “refused the intervention of others, and had difficulty with expressions and coping to alleviate distress.” However, when their distress subsided, they were “able to use coping methods that reduce or eliminate distress” to effectively cope. The parents understood that their child's distress was out of the ordinary for them and used every method available to try and reduce it, while bearing in mind the child’s feelings of shame and fear. When the child’s distress intensified, there was little that the parents could do, which led to feelings of exhaustion. At such times, interactions between parents and their children did not alleviate the distress, but instead exacerbated it, creating a vicious cycle. As the child’s distress subsided, the scope of the parent’s involvement expanded to include assisting with recovery and supporting the child’s resolve. Notably, parent-child interactions allowed the child to take the lead. These results suggest the importance of predicting distress among pediatric patients based on the surgical procedure and their developmental stage and taking into account the difficulty of expressing distress arising from the urinary organs, as well as assisting parents by providing psychological support and additional resources for engaging with their child.


