人々との関わりを通した母子保健推進員の役割認識の特徴 ―母子保健推進協議会の役員経験者の役割認識の考察から―


  • Characteristics of role recognition by community health workers through interactions with community people: a study on former directors of maternal and child health promotion councils
  • ヒトビト ト ノ カカワリ オ トオシタ ボシ ホケン スイシンイン ノ ヤクワリ ニンシキ ノ トクチョウ : ボシ ホケン スイシン キョウギカイ ノ ヤクイン ケイケンシャ ノ ヤクワリ ニンシキ ノ コウサツ カラ





[SUMMARY] Purpose: This study aims to clarify role recognition for Community Health Workers through their interactions with people in the community and considers measures to support these workers. Methodology: Sixteen people appointed by the mayor who served on the promotion council as Community Health Workers (“promoters”) responded to questions as part of semi-structured interviews. The questions focused on events that led respondents to recognize their role as well as their thoughts and actions at that time. Narratives about role recognition were extrapolated from these interviews and the contents were analyzed with respect to three phases in the participants’ careers: the initial period, the period before their directorial experience, and the present. Results: We classified the role recognition of promoters into 12 categories. The initial period had two categories, including items such as “thinking about what I can do on my own.” The period before their directorial experience had five categories, including items such as “being attentive toward the community’s needs by supporting individual mothers and children.” In the present period, there were five categories, including items such as “taking pleasure in activities that bring happiness to local residents.” Discussion: The promoters recognized their role initially as being more passive. Over time, this perspective shifted toward a greater involvement with the community by engaging with the mothers, children, and families living there, as well as cultivating their own enjoyment through leading activities carried out with fellow promoters and community residents belonging to other organizations. This suggests the importance of providing support for promoters to advance recognition of their role.


