シャコ(Squilla oratoria)複眼単一網膜細胞の単色光および偏光に対する応答


  • シャコ Squilla oratoria フクガン タンイツ モウマク サイボ
  • Monochromatic and Polarized Light Responses of the Single Retinula Cells in the Mantis Crab, Squilla oratoria




口脚類シャコの複眼より細胞内電位を誘導し、これを示標としてスペクトル応答を調べたところ、個眼内網膜細胞には紫外一緑受容器(λmax 360nmと540nm)と、緑受容器(λmax 540nm)の2種が認められた。また偏光刺激による応答は、偏光振動面の変動とポテンシャルの振巾とが正しく一致し、偏光覚の存在があきらかであった。さらにこれらのポテンシャルが細胞内誘導であることを、電極染色法により確認した。

In this study of the experiment the intracellular site of depolarizing potentials in Squilla retina could be determined by means of injection of Niagara Sky Blue solution. The results of spectral sweep of single retinula cell that was stimulated at wave length between 300-700 nm indicated the presence of two types of cells. One has an ultraviolet-green receptor which is responsible maximally at 360 and 540 nm. Another has green receptor showing maximum reaction at about 540 nm. Beside the two typical receptors there seems to be the presence of other two types of receptors which would show different value in amplitude appeared in ultraviolet stimulation. The receptor potentials of a single cell were further studied by another way that is rotating the angle of polarized light. It was noted that when the maximum potential of a single cell at the certain angle, the minimum one would always be recognized at the 90° shifted angle from the previous one. The phenomena means that a certain cell may possess a definite sensitive plane.


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