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  • Examination of game momentum in ball sports using protocol analysis
  • ハツワ データ オ モチイタ ゲーム ノ ナガレ ノ ケントウ



This study was designed to explain several factors underpinning the organization of "game momentum" in ball sports. Three experienced soccer players were directed to evaluate game momentum on a minute-by-minute basis in a international "A" watch displayed on a monitor. The game that participants have to evaluate momentum is an international "A" match which shows on a monitor. The participants were subsequently individually interviewed regarding the reasons for changes in game momentum. Speech protocols were extracted from the video-recorded interviews and categorized in terms of factors related to "individual skills", "individuals", and "teams"; the latter two wer re-categorized in terms of variables related to cooperation and competition. Based on these data, game momentum was organized into a 3-level hierarchy, in which variables related to individual skills represented th most local elements, those related to individuals as cooperative agents with other players in the same team and as competitive agents of opposing players served as local interaction and those related to teams as cooperative internally and competitive externally constituted the global interaction. This hierarchical structure was characterized by interdependent and circular relationships among the constituents.


  • 総合保健体育科学

    総合保健体育科学 33 (1), 7-15, 2010-04-30


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