Relationship between solar panel cracks and the frequency of flying crows in a photovoltaic power plant

  • SHIRAI Masaki
    Environmental Science Research Laboratory, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
  • OHTA Fumihiko
    TEPCO Research Institute, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.
  • KANNO Junya
    TEPCO Research Institute, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.
  • ITOH Norihiko
    Energy Innovation Center, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
  • NAKAJIMA Chikahito
    Energy Innovation Center, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
    Environmental Science Research Laboratory, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry

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Other Title
  • 太陽光発電所におけるパネル破損とカラス属の飛来頻度との関係


<p>The pebble-dropping behavior of crows may be a key reason for cracks in photovoltaic panels at solar power plants. To understand the pattern of crow-induced panel cracks, we investigated the relationship between panel crack incidence and frequency of flying crows at the Komekura photovoltaic power plant in Kofu, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan. Crow flight trajectories were monitored by camera at two research plots (Plots A and B) at the power plant from late October 2017 to early January 2018 (first period), and from late January to early March 2018 (second period). Panel cracks were observed only during the second period in Plot B, where the highest crow flight frequency was recorded: 41 birds per hour. The probabilities of panel cracks and of pebbles left on panels were positively correlated with crow flight frequency. Our observations suggest that the risk of panel cracks caused by crows increases as the frequency of crow flight at photovoltaic power plants increases.</p>


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