Wind Effect on Currents in a Thin Surface Layer of Coastal Waters faced Open-Sea

  • Nakano Masanao
    Radiation Protection Department, Nuclear Fuel Cycle Enginneering Laboratories, Tokai Research and Development Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
  • Isozaki Hisaaki
    Radiation Protection Department, Nuclear Fuel Cycle Enginneering Laboratories, Tokai Research and Development Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
  • Isozaki Tokuju
    Radiation Protection Department, Nuclear Fuel Cycle Enginneering Laboratories, Tokai Research and Development Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
  • Nemoto Masashi
    Joyo Industry Co. Ltd.
  • Hasunuma Keiichi
    OSTIs Co. Ltd.
  • Kitamura Takashi
    OSTIs Co. Ltd.

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  • 開放型沿岸域における流れに及ぼす風の効果
  • カイホウガタ エンガンイキ ニ オケル ナガレ ニ オヨボス カゼ ノ コウカ

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<p>Two-years of continuous observation of wind and current were carried out to investigate the relationship between them in the coastal waters off Tokai-mura, Ibaraki prefecture. Three instruments to measure the current were set in a thin surface layer of 3 m above the strong pycnocline, which is a common feature in coastal waters. Both of the power spectra of wind and currents showed very similar features, an outstanding high peak at 24-hour period and a range of high peaks longer than several-days period. The long term variation of the wind field always contained north-wind component, which contributed to forming the southward current along the shore throughout the year. A high correlation coefficient (0.64) was obtained between the wind and the current at a depth of 0.5 m on the basis of the two-year observation. Harmonic analysis revealed that an outstanding current with 24-hour period was the S1 component (meteorological tide) , and was driven by land and sea breezes. These breezes also contained solar tidal components such as K1, P1 and S2. These wind components added their own wind driven currents on the original tidal currents. This meant that land and sea breezes generated wind driven currents with solar tidal periods which behaved like astronomical tidal currents. As a result, coastal currents contained pseudo tidal currents which behaved like astronomical tidal currents.</p>


  • Oceanography in Japan

    Oceanography in Japan 18 (1), 37-55, 2009-01-05

    The Oceanographic Society of Japan

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