

  • Literature Reviews on Sexual Harassment at School in Japan


児童生徒の健全な発達を阻害する一要因として就学時期におけるセクシュアルハラスメント(以下,SH)がある。文部科学省(2020)は,児童生徒への性犯罪・性暴力を根絶するため,「生命(いのち)の安全教育」として教育・啓発を強化し,SH についても正しい理解と知識を促している。本論文では,就学時期におけるSH について,先行研究や取組の動向をまとめ,今後の研究課題について述べた。就学時期におけるSH は,その被害経験が自尊心や学習意欲に影響を及ぼす可能性が示唆されているが,その発生件数について政府による一律的な調査は行われておらず,各自治体教育委員会独自の調査結果および相談件数やわいせつ事例に係る懲戒免職処分の件数から推測するにとどまっていた。就学時期におけるSHの研究課題として,SH の発生頻度を把握することや,SH の被害経験と被害者の心理的または社会的な適応との関連について,統計的手法を用いて客観的に検討することが挙げられる。

Sexual harassment (SH) during the school years is one factor that hinders children's proper development. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) (2020) has been strengthening education and awarenessraising as "life safety education" to eradicate sexual crimes and sexual violence against children. It has also been promoting correct understanding and knowledge of SH. This paper reviews previous studies in SH during the school period and discusses future research issues. Although the experiences of SH during the school period are known to affect self-esteem and motivation to learn, there are few surveys of sexual harassment. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) or other government agencies had not surveyed the number of cases of SH. The only speculation is based on the results of independent surveys by local boards of education, the number of consultations and the number of disciplinary actions related to indecent cases. Research issues on SH during the schooling period include understanding the frequency of SH and clarify the relationship between the experience of SH victimization and the psychological or social adjustment of the victim using statistical methods.


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