知覚動詞「見える」の推定構文への拡がり : 共時態における文法化

DOI 機関リポジトリ HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス


  • Extension of the Japanese Perception Verb Mieru to the Evidential Construction
  • チカク ドウシ 「 ミエル 」 ノ スイテイ コウブン エ ノ ヒロガリ : キョウジタイ ニ オケル ブンポウカ



The Japanese perception verb mieru is an intransitive verb with spontaneous and potential meanings. The constructions that this verb constitutes range from visual perception, which is the simplest in meaning and form, to the highly complex evidential construction. Additional construction types lie between these two extremes, one of which express a certain situation on the basis of the appearance of a theme (object), and the other of which generalizes several examples observed by the perceiver. All of these are related to constructions with transitive verbs, while some of them have been extended as specific constructions of mieru due to the interaction between the lexical meaning of the verb and the meaning of the construction. Furthermore, this study shows that by focusing on the meaning features of the nouns, verbs, and clauses that make up the construction, it is possible to identify the typicality and periphery of the constructions and to capture the continuity between constructions (the network of constructions).


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