Evaluation of x-ray spectra and K-absorpotion edge images for Nth-harmonic diffracted x rays with spatial energy shift

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  • 空間的エネルギー変化を有するn次高調波回折X線のスペクトル評価およびK吸収端画像の取得


The purpose of this study is to evaluate x-ray spectra and K-absorption edge images for Nth-harmonic diffracted x rays with spatial energy shift. K-edge subtraction (KES) technique is a new technique for identifying a low-density material. This technique is needed to a large difference of attenuation coefficients for a target material, that is seen in two energy regions on little-lower and little-higher energy for K-absorption edge of a target material. By imaging of those different attenuation, the KES technique shows the image of only target material by subtracting between two images obtained by x rays with lower and higher energies than K-edge energy. Then, we attempted a diffraction method for generating monochromatic x rays with special energy sift. The diffracted monochromatic x rays are produced by Bragg diffraction on a silicon single crystal and are imaged as Laue spot on the reflected position. If the incident x rays are completely parallel, the Laue spot is imaged by a single energy of diffracted x rays. However, x rays irradiated from an x-ray tube are shaped as a conically cone beam. Therefore, depending on the angles between the cone-beamed x rays and a silicon atomic layer, the spatial energy shift are shown on the Laue spot. Moreover, in case of acquitting high-energy monochromatic diffracted x rays, diffracted and translated x rays are closed a distance. In this study, we focused on the Nth-harmonic diffraction and tried to obtain platinum K-absorption edge images.


  • 医療工学雑誌

    医療工学雑誌 (16), 19-30, 2021-03-15


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