Habitat preference of the endangered Nagoya Daruma Pond Frog (<i>Pelophylax porosus brevipodus</i>) in paddy levees and fallow paddy fields of Kurashiki, Okayama, western Japan.

  • TADA Masakazu
    Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science, Okayama University
  • MIYAKE Yumi
    Faculty of Environment Science and Technology, Department of Environment Management Engineering, Okayama University
  • NAKASHIMA Yoshitaka
    Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science, Okayama University
  • ITO Kunio
    Kawasaki Senior High School Attached to Kawasaki Medical School
  • SAITO Minoru
    Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
  • NAKATA Kazuyoshi
    Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science, Okayama University

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Other Title
  • 岡山県倉敷市の畦畔および休耕田におけるナゴヤダルマガエルの選好環境


<p>To clarify the environmental factors affecting the distribution of the endangered Nagoya Daruma Pond Frog (Pelophylax porosus brevipodus) in paddy levees and fallow paddy fields, we conducted field surveys at 23 study stations in Kurashiki, Okayama, western Japan. Based on the agricultural calendar in the study site, we set five investigation periods of ʻbefore midsummer drainageʼ, ʻduring midsummer drainageʼ, ʻafter midsummer drainageʼ, ʻbefore harvestʼ and ʻafter harvestʼ between July and November 2017. In the paddy levees during the investigation periods between ʻduring midsummer drainageʼ and ʻbefore harvestʼ, the effects of physical environmental factors on the number of frog individuals collected were analyzed with generalized linear models (GLM). The total number of individuals of P. p. brevipodus collected in the paddy levees during all the investigation periods was maximum before midsummer drainage, and decreased until after harvest. On the other hand, in the fallow paddy fields, the total number of frog individuals was maximum before midsummer drainage and then decreased until after midsummer drainage, but increased before harvest and then decreased after harvest. The results of GLM indicate that the coverage of plant stems, leaves and litter and coverage of prostrate plants have positive effects on the habitat preference of P. p. brevipodus. These results indicate that P. p. brevipodus utilizes not only paddy levees, but also fallow paddy fields as a habitat and that the habitat utilization is different between paddy levees and fallow paddy fields in relation to the agricultural calendar. Our results also indicate that coverage of vegetation in paddy levees should be more than 60% for conservation of populations of P. p. brevipodus.</p>



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