Visualization of the altitudinal limit on drone flights in Kasuya Research Forest near Fukuoka Airport

  • Muramatsu Yuko
    University Forest, School of Agriculture, Kyushu University
  • Kusumoto Buntarou
    Division of Forest Environmental Science, Department of Agro-environmental Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University

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  • 空港に近接する福岡演習林におけるドローン飛行の高さ制限の可視化
  • クウコウ ニ キンセツ スル フクオカ エンシュウリン ニ オケル ドローン ヒコウ ノ タカサ セイゲン ノ カシカ

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In this decade, unmanned aerial vehicles(or drones)have become a popular tool in forest science, and the expectation is growing in its application to forest management, as well as scientific research and education. To conduct drone surveys lawfully, safely, and smoothly, it is essential to be familiar with the up-to-date laws and regulations and the existing flight restrictions in target locations. Kasuya Research Forest, Kyushu University, is located within the obstacle limitation surface of Fukuoka Airport, and the restriction of flight altitude is complicated because of the mountainous topography. In this paper, we visualized the spatial distribution of the restriction of flight altitude(limitation altitude)in Kasuya Research Forest using the obstacle limitation surface of Fukuoka Airport and the digital elevation model. The resulting "limitation altitude" raster showed that in most of the Kasuya Research Forest, the altitude limit is lower than the ground elevation, indicating that drone flights require official permission based on the Aviation Law. We also summarized the procedures with some precautions for flights in the restricted areas based on the available information so far (September 2022). Note that the relevant laws and regulations could be updated in the future, so it is necessary to collect the latest information constantly.


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