Proposal of Estimation Method for Seismic Ground Motions Fused Observed Data and Estimated Data along Railway

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  • 観測データと推定データを融合した鉄道沿線地震動推定手法の提案


<p>At an occurrence of earthquake train operators suspend trains as soon as possible. Then, if necessary, they inspect railway facilities, such as track and structure, based on seismic ground motion observed alongside the railways. The safety inspection takes a significant amount of time depending on cases. Recently the early resumption of train operations has become a weighty issue after earthquakes. If the seismic ground motion along the railway can be estimated continuously, it may be possible to shorten the inspection section. However, the practical use of estimated result for the decision making of resumption of train operations after earthquakes is in progress in some railway operators, but not sufficiently. This may be because the operational method of estimation errors is not defined expressly. In this study, after presenting the concept of the estimation error handling in practice, we propose a method to estimate spatial seismic ground motions by fusing observed data and estimated data. Furthermore, a case study is presented in which seismic ground motions along a virtual railway were estimated using the proposed method with additional observed data by seismometers installed alongside the railway.</p>



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