Tips for the assessment of elementary school English -Accumulating students’ oral performance for course grading-

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  • 小学校英語教育における評価のあり方― パフォーマンス評価のすすめ ―
  • ショウガッコウ エイゴ キョウイク ニ オケル ヒョウカ ノ アリカタ : パフォーマンス ヒョウカ ノ ススメ

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English education as a school subject at elementary school started in Japan in April 2020. Teachers have been trying very hard to provide good quality lessons to their students. They are now getting used to teaching English to students in class and students are getting better at using the target language, namely English. However, many teachers do not have clear ideas about how they should assess or evaluate students’ learning and progress. The author suggests that teachers should provide as many oral performance tests as they can and accumulate the results for grading and for reports to parents. We should keep in mind when we design performance tasks: (1) students are young beginning learners, (2) they are learning a second/foreign language, and (3) evaluation should be encouraging. In practice, we should use as many visual materials as we can, which will make the tests more stimulating and attractive for young learners.


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