Robot Arm Operating Interface for Easy Grasping by Specifying the Gripping Width of Endeffector

  • Takeuchi Rio
    Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Mie University
  • Yang Laijun
    Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Mie University
  • Kato Norihiko
    Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Mie University


In Japan, cervical cord injuries affect roughly half of all patients with spinal cord injuries. High-Level spinal cord injuries make it particularly difficult for patients to pick up objects from the ground because of the functional impairment of the trunk. To help these people become more independent, welfare robot arms have been developed recently. In our lab, an interface has been proposed to control the robotic arm by drawing a line on a touch screen in order to grasp an object on the floor and deliver it to the user. This technique has a fixed closing width for grasping, making it challenging to use when the object's sizes change. Therefore, we proposed a method that allows the adjustment of the closing width according to the drawn line on the touch panel interface. As a result, we found that the grasping was still possible even the object was altered.


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