Teacher’s Role of Encouraging Students' Cooperative Learning


Bibliographic Information

Other Title
  • 協同学習を促すための教師の役割
  • Fostering Students' Learning
  • 学習者の学びを促進させるために


This paper is an action research report based on the reflection of over three terms of teaching practices conducted in the graduate school of Akita International University. Upon reviewing the recorded video data of the classes during teaching practices held in autumn and winter practicum, the author found that the teacher talks a lot during classes, moreover indicating a significant case of teacher-centered classes. During the spring practicum, an investigation was operated based on classes with group work to examine whether a classroom environment fostering learner autonomy and peer-to-peer learning was provided or whether the teacher’s behavior effectively facilitated cooperative learning The results revealed that although there were instances where learning among students was facilitated, there were still shortcomings to prepare an environment for cooperative learning, as well as problems with a teacher’s involvement in group work. Taking these reflections into account, this report will discuss the topics for improvement in order to enhance future classes.


  • Bulletin of Japanese Language Teaching Practices

    Bulletin of Japanese Language Teaching Practices 14 (0), 166-, 2023-09-01

    Japanese Language Teaching Practices, Graduate School of Global Communication and Language, Akita International University

Details 詳細情報について

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    • JaLC
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