Field Survey of Pipe-Framed Greenhouses Damaged by Typhoon 1821 “Jebi” in Kyoto and Gifu

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  • 平成30年台風第21号によるパイプハウスの被災
  • 平成30年台風第21号によるパイプハウスの被災 : 京都府および岐阜県における被災実態調査
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  • ─京都府および岐阜県における被災実態調査─

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Typhoon 1821 “Jebi” hit central Japan on September 4th, 2018, caused damages more than 20 billion yen on greenhouses. We surveyed pipe-framed greenhouses damaged by the Typhoon in Kyoto and Gifu prefecture to elucidate behaviors of damaged pipe-framed greenhouses in fl at and mesomountainous areas. For wind pressure, the damage causes of pipe-framed greenhouse were positive pressure on windward side, negative pressure by separated fl ow, positive pressure by re-attachment fl ow, the change of inner pressure, lee eddy on mesomountainous area, convergence effect by topographic feature and structures around greenhouse, and tornado. For the structure of pipeframed greenhouse, loss of bearing power of soil, lack of bracing, partial loss of area of arch pipe, and destruction of connecting material made by plastics caused collapse of pipe-framed greenhouse. Further, impacts of typhoon-generated missiles were occurred by strong wind.


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