Is the Election of Village Chiefs a Farce or a Cleverly Orchestrated Production? Resolving the Dilemma of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party and Legitimizing Its Rule


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  • 村長選挙は茶番か? 巧みな演出か?――ラオス人民革命党によるジレンマ解消と支配の正当化――


<p>Despite a desire to remain in power, many dictators hold competitive elections. However, elections are uncertain and manipulation is necessary to ensure the desired outcome. Nevertheless, excessive manipulation can reduce not only the legitimacy of the election itself but also the legitimacy of the regime. In other words, dictators face a dilemma between achieving their goals through manipulation and maintaining legitimacy. This article highlights the case of village chief elections in Laos, in which the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party achieves its goals by skillfully manipulating the elections while firmly maintaining the appearance of “democratic” elections. The party strives to resolve this dilemma by reflecting the voices of voters in the candidate selection process. Although the elections may be a farce, they are an important means for the party to create the perception of democracy and share the values of democracy with the people. This article suggests that demonstrating a commitment to democracy is important to both resolving the electoral dilemma and legitimizing the dictatorial regime.</p>


  • Ajia Keizai

    Ajia Keizai 64 (3), 2-30, 2023-09-15

    Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization

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