Study on construction of child care support based on the history of disciplinary

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  • 被懲戒の歴史を踏まえた子育て支援臨床の構築に関する研究
  • ヒチョウカイ ノ レキシ オ フマエタ コソダテ シエン リンショウ ノ コウチク ニ カンスル ケンキュウ

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The purpose of this study is to examine the construction of child-rearing support clinical practice based on the history of disciplinary action. We gave an overview of the Tokyo Metropolitan Ordinance and the revised Child Abuse Prevention Law and re-questioned the meaning of support for parents with disciplinary rights. He examined "child-rearing without severe discipline" with a particular focus on the Edo period, and pointed out that child-rearing in the Edo period had already taken into account the main points of child-rearing support from the perspective of attachments. In addition, he pointed out five important viewpoints in the construction of child-rearing support clinical practice based on the history of disciplinary action. 1. Fostering awareness of the human rights of children and their right to safe and secure child-rearing. 2. Discrimination between discipline and abuse, and concrete presentation of distinction. 3. Consideration should be given to the social context and culture of the childrearing scene. 4. How to deal with the history of disciplinary action (Punishment), (1) Life script, (2) History of disciplinary (Punishment) self-check items, (3) Reproduction of past history by psychodrama and acquisition of meaning for a new life. 5. Presentation of specific methods for child-rearing support. Among these, it was suggested that 1 to 4 are the standards that form the basis of the presentation of various child-rearing support methods. 被懲戒の歴史を踏まえた子育て支援臨床の構築について検討した。東京都の条例及び改正児童虐待防止法等について概観し、懲戒権を有する親への支援の意味を問い直した。そして、「懲戒を伴わない子育て」について、アタッチメントの観点に基づく子育て支援の要点を、江戸時代の子育てがすでに踏まえていたことを指摘した。その上で、被懲戒の歴史を踏まえた子育て支援臨床の構築における重要な観点として5 つ指摘した。1.子どもの人権及び安心・安全な養育への権利についての意識の醸成。2.しつけと虐待の鑑別、峻別の具体的な提示。3.子育て場面における社会的文脈や文化を考慮すべきこと。4.被懲戒の歴史への対処方法、①人生脚本、②被懲戒の歴史自己チェック項目、③心理劇による過去の歴史の再現と新たな人生への意味づけの獲得。5.子育て支援の具体的な方法の提示。1 から4 が、さまざまな子育て支援方法の提示の基底をなすスタンダードとなることが示唆された。


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