Reconsideration of Preservation therapy for Damaged Pulp


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  • 生活歯髄の保存療法再考


<p>The following three cases were carefully observed after rest treatment for damaged vital pulp. (1) 24-year course of pulp conservation therapy for chronic pulpitis (12-year-old boy at the time of initial examination); (2) Rest treatment for pain during mastication (33-year-old woman at the time of initial examination); and (3) Pulp conservation therapy for a mandibular molar suspected of chronic pulpitis due to deep caries (23-year-old man at the time of initial examination). The standard treatment for early pulpitis is preservation of the living pulp, but the diagnosis of pulp is not a matter of black-and-white. This is because the pulp tissue is a recoverable tissue with vigorous vitality. Therefore, rest treatment and careful follow-up are the initial treatment of damaged pulp, which should determine whether it can be saved or not. Although much attention has been paid to precise and efficient root canal treatment, I would like to remind that the basis of endodontic treatment is pulp preservation, and rest treatment is the rites of passage in the course of proper endodontic treatment. </p>


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