

  • Monuments and castles from Bronze Age to Uygur period in Mongolia
  • セイドウキ ジダイ カラ ウイグル ジダイ ノ キネン ケンゾウブツ ト ジョウシ



The authors surveyed sites from Bronze Age to the Uyghur period in May 2023 to explore the background behind the formation of mobile pastoralist stronghold monuments and forts. Khereksur in Bronze Age grew huge around 1000 BC, and became burial and ritual complexes. The largest examples of this are concentrated in the Khnui River basin. The Khanui River basin has a corridor-like geographical environment, approximately 1-2 km wide, that appears to connect the Dergelmurung River basin in the north with the Tamil River basin in the south. The Khanui River basin appears to have been a major transport hub, as noted by previous studies, because of forming one of the largest cemeteries of the Xiongnu period, Gol mod 2.  Furthermore, among the numerous Xiongnu forts that have been confirmed in recent years, we have conducted measurements on the Khandgait forts in the Selenge River basin and found that they bear similarities to the Ivorga forts in Zabaykalye. As estimated in the previous survey, it was again found that the Xiongnu forts have regional characteristics in each river basin. Finally, we surveyed the castle sites of the Old Turkic and Uyghur. It confirmed that they constructed their castle sites and monuments along routes that connected the north and south, distinct from the Khanui River basin. Mobile pastoralists and nomads seemed aware of the importance of positioning their strongholds in transportation routes, avoiding rivers with high water levels. This aspect appears to be closely linked to the formation of power among these communities.


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