A Method of Activity in Production Engineering Division to Effectively Promote Proactive Engineering

  • Kanazawa Akira
    Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering Graduate School of Engineering Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Wada Masayoshi
    Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering Graduate School of Engineering Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

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Other Title
  • プロアクティブ・エンジニアリングを効果的に進める生産技術部門の活動方法
  • — A Method That Collaborates with Organizations Inside and Outside the Company to Meet High Required Specification of Product Development Division —
  • ―製品開発部門の高度な要求仕様に応える企業内外と連携した方法―


<p> In manufacturing companies, the difficulty of product development increases with the sophistication of customer needs, and the production engineering division is also required to develop advanced production engineering. If this development is carried out by the conventional concurrent engineering method, there is a possibility that the development period will be short and the market launch will be delayed. Therefore, we suggested a new scheme (called a Proactive Scheme) in which the production engineering division predicts/anticipates the required specifications in advance of the product development division, and begins development of the production engineering early to compensate for the lack of development period. In this research, the concrete method of activity of the production engineering division according to this scheme is shown. The point of this research is how the production engineering division, which is said to not have enough technology search ability and fundamental technology capability than the research and development division and product development division, leads to successful activities in collaboration with organizations inside and outside the company.</p>


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