Landfill avoidance by carbonization of organic waste and concept of coal replacement in steelmaking process


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  • 有機系ごみ炭化による埋立て回避と製鉄プロセスでの石炭置換構想


<p>Since the “Global Methane Pledge” advocated at COP26 in 2021, methane emissions control has attracted attention as an effective means of reducing greenhouse gases (GHG). The steel industry, which is responsible for the coke blast furnace method, is also thinking about responding to and contributing to this movement. Specifically, by avoiding the landfill disposal of "organic waste" generated by households, which is common in many countries overseas, we will prevent the generation of methane derived from organic matter, and carbonize and import this to Japan. , used in the steel industry as a substitute for some coal. We show that this concept has several times the GHG suppression effect of coal replacement with simple woody biomass.</p>


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