Effect of activation treatment conditions on pore structure and specific surface area of rice husk activated carbon


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  • 賦活処理条件がもみ殻活性炭の細孔構造および比表面積に及ぼす影響


<p>Rice husk is a by-product of rice production and is a biomass resource that does not compete with food. However, while some of the rice husks are used as compost and bedding for livestock barns, most of the rest is disposed of as waste. In this study, we investigated the effects of the activation treatment of rice husk charcoal on the pore structure, aiming at the production of highly functional activated carbon from rice husks.</p><p>Though, the yield of activated carbon obtained by activation at 750-950°C decreased as the activation temperature increased, the micropores developed more and the specific surface area increased. Furthermore, it was found that the higher the activation temperature, the more mesopores were formed.</p>


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