

  • The Actual Activities of Agricultural Execution Associations in the Movement for Rural Reconstruction: A Case Study of Kakinoki Village, Shimane Prefecture
  • ―島根県鹿足郡柿木村の事例―


<p>The Movement for Rural Reconstruction (Nosan-Gyoson-Keizai-Kosei-Undo) was carried out to uplift Japanese rural areas impoverished by the Showa Depression. The main rural executive organizations involved in the movement were agricultural execution associations. This study examines the activities of agricultural execution associations by focusing on Kakinoki Village in Shimane Prefecture. Agricultural execution associations were organized in each hamlet, and various plans were made to improve agricultural production and home living. In particular, the organizations worked on punctuality, tax payments, and savings. Kakinoki’s movement improved agricultural production and home living, and strengthened solidarity among rural residents. It also provided women with opportunities for public participation. This was a consequence of a movement based on subsistence agriculture.</p>


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