Redescription of the generic type species <i>Crossodonthina nipponica</i> (Collembola: Neanuridae)

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  • 属のタイプ種ヤマトアカフサイボトビムシ(トビムシ目: イボトビムシ科)の再記載
  • Redescription of the generic type species Crossodonthina nipponica (Collembola: Neanuridae)

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The identity of the generic type species Crossodonthina nipponica Yosii, 1954 is unclear because the original description lacks detail and the redescriptions from different localities are inconsistent. In this study, C. nipponica was redescribed based on specimens collected in the type locality. Also, partial regions of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 of C. nipponica were also sequenced for DNA barcoding.


  • Edaphologia

    Edaphologia 112 (0), 17-24, 2023-01-05

    The Japanese Society of Soil Zoology

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