A novel method of inducing a torpor-like hypometabolic state by glial activation

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  • グリア摂動による新たな休眠様低代謝状態誘導法の開発


<p>Hibernation or torpor are energy-saving strategy in some thermostatic animals to survive harsh environments such as extreme cold and starvation. The ability to induce such hypometabolic states has garnered considerable interest due to its potential medical benefits. However, the mechanisms regulate these hypometabolic state remain largely unknown. Here we found that chemogenetic activation of astrocytes, a type of glial cell, could induce a torpor-like hypometabolic state in mice. In this state, body temperature and levels of oxygen consumption are kept low as in torpor. Glial activation induced hypothermia inhibited by intracerebroventricular administration of receptor X antagonist. Our findings could enable the induction of hypometabolism at any given time, and thus provide a new method for studying the mechanisms of hypometabolism. Furthermore, our results suggest the importance of glia-neural interaction in the study of hibernation and torpor.</p>


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