Implementation and Evaluation of Pilot Nutrition Improvement Activities for Improvement and Prevention of Anemia in Farm Households with Smallholder Horticulture Empowerment and Promotion (SHEP) Approach in Rural Senegal

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  • セネガル共和国農村部の市場志向型農業振興(SHEP)アプローチ導入済み農家世帯に対する貧血改善・予防を目的とした栄養改善パイロット活動の実施と評価
  • セネガル キョウワコク ノウソンブ ノ シジョウ シコウガタ ノウギョウ シンコウ(SHEP)アプローチ ドウニュウ ズミ ノウカ セタイ ニ タイスル ヒンケツ カイゼン ・ ヨボウ オ モクテキ ト シタ エイヨウ カイゼン パイロット カツドウ ノ ジッシ ト ヒョウカ

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<p>Objective: In the Nyai area of Senegal, farmers with the Smallholder Horticulture Empowerment and Promotion (SHEP) approach voluntarily spent part of their increased income on improving their diet, but not necessarily on improving nutrition. In addition, anemia was identified as a major health issue in the area. Therefore, pilot activities were implemented and evaluated focusing on the improvement and prevention of anemia (IPA) through a healthy diet to examine the feasibility of nutrition improvement projects on the premise of "increased income by SHEP."</p><p>Methods: In areas with increased income by SHEP, the following four activities were conducted considering the local community structure, food environment, and educational level. Moreover, the process and impact of each activity were evaluated: 1) training of instructors to convey correct dietary knowledge to residents, 2) education on healthy diet and IPA for household members who prepare meals, 3) events to practice and reinforce the learned contents, and 4) providing information on food and nutrition to consumers through grocery stores.</p><p>Results: Process evaluation revealed that the contents of the activities, implementation methods, teaching materials, and overall satisfaction were high. The impact evaluation showed that >90% of the participants improved their knowledge, attitudes, and skills regarding IPA through a healthy diet.</p><p>Implications: All pilot activities were implemented smoothly, and nutrition improvement projects based on the premise of "increased income by SHEP" could be implemented in the Nyai area of Senegal.</p>



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