Wearable device to inhibit wrist dorsiflexion for movement form improvement in table tennis backhand

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  • 卓球のバックハンドにおけるフォーム改善のための手首背屈を抑制するウェアラブル装置


<p>In this research, we developed a device that suppresses dorsiflexion of the wrist in the backhand action of table tennis and verified that the device improves the movement form of the player. To test the device, an evaluation experiment was conducted with four subjects in the experimental group and four subjects in the control group. Comparison with the control group revealed that all but one of the three subjects in the experimental group tended to suppress wrist motion when wearing the device and to swing while utilizing their elbows. When the device was removed, the three subjects tended to move their wrists less than before and to swing with their elbows, indicating an improvement in their form.</p>


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