Mosquito larvae collected at the Ozegahara wetland in Katashina, Gunma, Japan

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  • 群馬県片品村尾瀬ヶ原で採集された蚊幼虫


<p>We received a special permit to collect dipterous insects, such as mosquitoes, horse flies, and biting midges, in Ozegahara, which is a protected area in Oze National Park and the largest wetland in Honshu, Japan. Herein, we report on the mosquito larvae survey conducted on August 6 and 7, 2023. A total of 28 mosquito larvae and a pupa were collected, comprising 3 species of mosquito, namely Culex rubensis, Aedes esoensis, and Ae. japonicus. This is the first report of Cx. rubensis collected from the Ozegahara wetland.</p>



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