Living Environment Studies from the perspective of SDGs


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Other Title
  • SDGsの視点に立った生活科教育
  • - From the relationship between SDGs and learning content -
  • ―SDGsと学習内容の関係から―


The 2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are actively pursued by governments, businesses, citizens, and stakeholders to meet the targets from 2016 to 2030. The focus on education extends beyond implementing SDG 4, “quality education,” to achieve all 17 goals. Moreover, SDG 4.7 highlights the significance of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), necessitating the widespread promotion of both SDGs and ESD. A specific concern arises in elementary education, particularly in the lower grades, regarding the incorporation of SDGs into the curriculum. While some schools clarify the alignment of their lessons with SDGs, this practice may lack meaningful impact for younger children. Furthermore, the specific SDGs addressed in the curriculum for lower grades remain ambiguous. This paper explores the connection between SDGs and living environment studies to clarify the educational implications of the SDGs on living environments. Specifically, SDGs 5, 7, 10, 11, 15, and 17 align with life studies. While lower-grade children may not need to memorize SDGs, it is crucial for teachers, as instructors, to be mindful of the relevant SDGs in their living environment studies classes.


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    • JaLC
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