Development of the Precision-designed Radiopharmaceuticals Depending on the Targeting Molecules

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  • 疾患や標的分子の特性に応じて精密設計した放射性薬剤の開発


<p>Nuclear medicine diagnosis is an in vivo imaging technique that employs radiopharmaceuticals in which diagnostic radionuclides are introduced. This technique facilitates the chronological diagnosis of various diseases and elucidates the pathological mechanisms. Radiopharmaceuticals featuring therapeutic radionuclides are anticipated to surve as a novel cancer therapy due to their potent cytotoxic effects on lesions throughout the body. This review focuses on recent research trends in the development of radiopharmaceuticals for nuclear medicine diagnosis and therapy for cancer and brain diseases, including our studies.</p>



    RADIOISOTOPES 73 (2), 139-145, 2024-07-15

    Japan Radioisotope Association


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