生成系AI に対する社会的関心の日中韓比較 : トピックモデルを用いたソーシャルメディアへのChatGPT に関する投稿分析


  • Comparative Analysis of Social Interest in Generative AI in China, Japan and Korea : Analysis of ChatGPT Posts on Social Media Using Topic Models
  • セイセイケイ AI ニ タイスル シャカイテキ カンシン ノ ニッチュウカンヒカク : トピックモデル オ モチイタ ソーシャル メディア エ ノ ChatGPT ニ カンスル トウコウ ブンセキ



The purpose of this study is to clarify the social interest in generative AI in three East Asian countries : China, Japan, and Korea. Specifically, we will conduct a comparative analysis of social media postings in Japan, China, and Korea during the first two and a half months after ChatGPT’s launch, when the service first became popular. By organizing social media posts about ChatGPT in the three countries, social interest in generative AI was extracted as “interest as a development goal” from the technological aspect, “interest as an industry” from the economic aspect, and “interest as a tool” from the user aspect. When confronted with generative AI, how do we understand, accept, and use it? This study clarified the differences in terms of social interest among the three countries.


  • 情報研究

    情報研究 68 11-34, 2024-01-31


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