Factors associated with the development of psychiatric symptoms after hospital discharge in the families of patients admitted to the intensive care unit: post-hoc analysis

  • Ohno Mika
    Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Nagoya Medical Center
  • Honjo Yayoi
    Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Nagoya Medical Center
  • Nagato Ryo
    Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Yuai Medical Center
  • Heshiki Yoshifumi
    Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Naha City Hospital
  • Ikeguchi Shuhei
    Department of Surgical and Medical Intensive Care Medicine, Fukuyama City Hospital
  • Kozu Ryo
    Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Nagasaki University Hospital
  • Shimada Masako
    Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Tokyo Women’s Medical University
  • Watanabe Shinichi
    Department of Rehabilitation, Nagoya Medical Center

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Other Title
  • ICUに入室した患者の家族における退院後の精神症状発生に関連する要因:事後解析

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<p>Objectives: This study investigates factors associated with the development of psychiatric symptoms after hospital discharge in family members of patients admitted to the ICU. Methods: This study is a case-control study conducted after the main analysis. This study explored the medical history of patients who were admitted to the ICU for 48 hours or more, and those of family members who had visited the ICU at least once. Patients and family members were divided into two groups:those with and those without psychiatric symptoms [Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) anxiety≧8 or HADS depression≧8 or impact of event scale-revised (IES-R)≧25]. Factors associated with psychiatric symptoms were retrospectively examined. Results: Among the family members of 178 discharged patients who survived, 61 were included in the analysis who were available for participation in the study three months after discharge from the hospital. There were 20 (33%) family members with psychiatric symptoms. The psychiatric symptoms experienced by the patients’ family members were associated with the patients’ Barthel index (P=0.013) and HADS depression (P=0.010) at the time of hospital discharge. However, multivariate analysis revealed no significant associated factors. Conclusion: The patient’s decreased independence in activities of daily living and psychiatric symptoms at the time of discharge may be related to the occurrence of psychiatric symptoms in family members 3 months after discharge.</p>



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