A Pattern Language for enhancing activities around collaborative management and utilization of regional ecosystem: Unfolding the collaborative activities in Kitahiroshima Town, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan

  • Kamada Arisa
    Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University
  • Kamada Mahito
    Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences, Tokushima University
  • Iba Takashi
    Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University

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  • 地域生態系の協働管理・活用に関わる活動を促進するためのパターン・ランゲージ―広島県北広島町での協働の読解―
  • チイキ セイタイケイ ノ キョウドウカンリ ・ カツヨウ ニ カカワル カツドウ オ ソクシン スル タメ ノ パターン ・ ランゲージ : ヒロシマケン キタヒロシママチ デ ノ キョウドウ ノ ドッカイ

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<p>One of the causes of biodiversity loss is underuse in Satoyama. It is not easy to reassign the value of utilization and the significance of conservation to natural resources that have lost their utility value due to changes in lifestyles and industrial structures. While many regions face such problem, in Kitahiroshima Town, Hiroshima Prefecture, multiple ecosystem management and utilization activities are being promoted in collaboration with local residents. The activities include restarting the mountain burning that had been stopped, circulating the wood cut out from the forest in combination with the local currency, and linking it with school education. In this paper, we have clarified how the core person of the movement coordinates the various activities in this area. In other words, we extracted the experimental rule that they have accumulated to solve problems, using the methodology of pattern language. As a result, we found 22 patterns, verbalized a part of the experience. We then examined the effectiveness of these knowledge in enhancing activities around management of regional ecosystem.</p>


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