文化人類学におけるデジタルヒューマニティーズの可能性と課題 : オックスフォード大学サマースクールでの学びから


  • The Potential and Challenges of Digital Humanities in Cultural Anthropology: Insights from Oxford Summer School



[要旨] 本レポートは、2023年7月3日から7月7日にかけてオックスフォード大学キーブルカレッジにて開催された、Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer Schoolの参加記である。私の専攻は文化人類学であるが、副専攻としてデジタルヒューマニティーズを学んでいる。私が本サマースクールに参加した目的は、文化人類学研究においてどのようにデジタルヒューマニティーズの方法を活用できるのかについて学ぶことであった。そのため、私は9つ設けられたコースのなかから、デジタル・ヒューマニティーズの理論や実践が幅広く取り上げられるIntroduction to Digital Humanitiesを受講した。

[Abstract] This report documents my participation in the “Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School 2023”. The summer school took place from 3rd to 7th July 2023 at Keble College, University of Oxford. I attended the course titled “Introduction to Digital Humanities”, which provided an overview of the various theories and practices of Digital Humanities in recent years. For example, important concepts for applying digital processes to the humanities (such as digital archiving and computational thinking), methods of digital humanities (community generated digital content, relational database, digital scholarly editing, etc.), and analytical tools that can be used in humanities (Jupyter Notebook, Ngrams, Voyant, etc.). In addition, recent examples of digital humanities research and efforts to build digital collections were also discussed. This report reviews the content of the above course. As a cultural anthropology major, my objective was to learn how digital humanities methods can be incorporated into cultural anthropological research. Therefore, this report aims to elucidate the insights gained from the aforementioned classes. In particular, it will underscore the affinity that cultural anthropology shares with Digital Humanities methods. Finally, it concludes with a discussion of the future possibilities and challenges of incorporating digital humanities methods into cultural anthropology.


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