Use of Percutaneous Antegrade Pyelography for Diagnosis and Treatment in Three Cat

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  • 経皮的順行性腎盂造影が有用であった猫の3症例
  • ケイヒテキ ジュンコウセイジンウゾウエイ ガ ユウヨウ デ アッタ ネコ ノ 3 ショウレイ

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Percutaneous anterograde pyelogram(PAP) provides good visualization of the renal pelvisand ureter, allowing the presence of complete or partial obstruction in the ureter as well as thelocalization of obstruction. However, PAP in animals is not widely used in Japan, and there arefew reports. Although excretory venous urinary tract imaging (IVP) is generally performed asan evaluation of the urinary tract, there are cases in which a good contrasting image cannot beobtained clinically depending on the pathological condition. All three cases we encountered thistime had dilated renal pelvis, but existing tests did not lead to a definitive diagnosis. PAP is usefulfor diagnosis and treatment, and we report here because we have obtained some findings.


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