Reproductive annual cycle of pen shell <i>Atrina pectinata</i> off Futtsu, Tokyo Bay

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  • 東京湾富津沖におけるタイラギの生殖年周期
  • トウキョウワン フッツオキ ニ オケル タイラギ ノ セイショクネン シュウキ

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<p>Pen shell Atrina pectinata began to increase gradually in abundance in Tokyo Bay off Futtsu City in the 2000s supporting fisheries production. However, knowledge of the biology of this species remained inadequate for fisheries resource management. This study focused on revealing the annual reproductive cycle of the pen shell based on gonad maturation and spawning of individuals caught off Futtsu. A seasonal pattern of gametogenesis observed histologically indicates the spawning season is estimated from July to September. Additionally, indices of viscera and adductor weights peak from April to June when hypoxic water masses frequently occur at the fishing grounds. These findings suggest that spring hypoxic conditions could detrimentally affect reproduction of the pen shell population and its fisheries value.</p>


  • Aquaculture Science

    Aquaculture Science 71 (2), 111-114, 2023-06-20

    Japanese Society for Aquaculture Science

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