日本語教育における言語と思考 : その意味づけの変遷と問題点

DOI 機関リポジトリ HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス


  • The relation between language and thought in teaching Japanese as a foreign language : how the relation has been described and what problems it has brought
  • ニホンゴ キョウイク ニ オケル ゲンゴ ト シコウ ソノ イミヅケ ノ ヘンセン ト モンダイテン



This paper explains how the relation between language and thought has been given senses by the researchers and what kind of problems it has made in the context of teaching Japanese as a foreign language. The discourse of the relation between language and thought appeared in the end of 1960'. And in 1973, the authors started to describe the language and thought shaped them each other. Based on this description, Ogawa (1973) asserted that the learner of foreign language had to learn the foreign country's thought pattern, and Miyachi (1975) asserted that the learner of Japanese language had to learn, Japanese thought pattern. However, they didn't try to explain the meanings of concepts in their assertion. The lack of explanation consequently compelled the learners and teachers to learn and teach eternally the invisible and vague concept of thought pattern.


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